Smudging, Incense & Aromatherapy

Sacred Herbs

Burning sacred herbs has been a common practice in many cultures around the world for centuries. The smoke produced by burning these herbs is believed to have cleansing and healing properties, and is often used in rituals, ceremonies, and for spiritual purification.

The Power of Scents on our emotions

Different scents and smells have the power to affect our moods and emotions in various ways. This is because when we inhale a scent, it travels to the olfactory bulb in the brain, which is directly connected to the limbic system, the part of the brain that controls emotions and memories.


Some scents like lavender or chamomile are often associated with relaxation and sleep, while citrus scents like lemon or orange can be energizing and uplifting. Aromatherapy practice uses essential oils and scents to promote healing and well-being. Some scents can even trigger specific memories or emotions too.
Our sense of smell is a powerful tool that can enhance our moods, memories, and emotional well-being. Different scents and smells can have a range of effects, from relaxation to energy, and everything in between.

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Native American Traditions

In many Native American cultures, Sage (Salvia apiana) is considered a sacred herb and is often burned in a ceremony called “smudging” to cleanse and purify a space or person.
Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) is a tree native to Central and South America, and its wood is often burned as incense in spiritual and healing ceremonies.
In North America, burning Sage and Palo Santo has become more popular in recent years as a way to cleanse and purify spaces and to promote positive energy.
The practice of burning sacred herbs is also found in other cultures around the world, such as the use of incense in Buddhist and Hindu ceremonies, and the use of myrrh and frankincense in Christian and Jewish rituals.

Incense use in many cultures.

Incense has been used throughout the world for centuries, in various cultures and religions. It is often burned as a form of ritual, prayer, or meditation, and is believed to have a purifying and spiritual effect.
In Buddhism, incense is often burned during meditation and prayer as an offering to the Buddha and as a way to purify the mind and body.
In Hinduism, incense is burned during worship and rituals as an offering to the gods, and is believed to create a peaceful and sacred atmosphere.
In Christianity, incense is sometimes used during worship services as a symbol of prayers rising to heaven.
In Japan, incense burning is a traditional art form called Kodo, which involves using incense to enhance meditation and appreciation of nature.


Smoke creates atmosphere and can evoke a strong sensory experience, creating a unique smell and tactile sensation. Watching smoke can be hypnotic and mesmerizing. This is because smoke is constantly moving and changing shape, which can make it captivating to observe.
Ever-Changing Patterns: Smoke never stops moving, and it can form intricate and beautiful patterns as it moves through the air. Watching these patterns can be relaxing and meditative.
Transience: Smoke is also constantly changing and fleeting. It’s never the same from one moment to the next, which can make watching it feel like a unique and special experience.
Magic and Mystery: Smoke has always had a bit of a mysterious and magical aura. It can be thought of as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, and this mysterious quality can make watching it feel like you’re observing something otherworldly.
Soothing Effects: The calming and soothing effect of watching smoke is well-known, and has been used in traditional medicine and spiritual practices for centuries.

Quick Guide to Smudging

Smudging is a traditional practice used to cleanse and purify a space, object, or person. It involves burning sacred herbs, such as Sage, Cedar, or Sweetgrass, and allowing the smoke to waft over the area or person being cleansed.

Here’s a brief guide on how to perform a smudging session:
Gather the necessary supplies: a bundle of dried Sage, Cedar, or Sweetgrass, a fire-proof container or abalone shell, and a lighter or matches.
Open a window or door to allow the negative energy to exit the space.
Light the bundle of herbs, allowing the smoke to begin to flow.
Begin at the entrance of the space and move clockwise around the room, using a feather or your hand to waft the smoke into the corners, along the walls, and around any objects or people in the space.
As you move through the space, focus on your intention to cleanse and purify the area, and visualize the smoke carrying away any negative energy.
Once you’ve moved through the entire space, extinguish the herbs in the fire-proof container or abalone shell.
Take a moment to appreciate the cleansed and purified space.

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